Friday, November 20, 2015

A Place I Love Essay

I walk into the house after a long day at school with my head pounding at the thought of how much work I have to get done. Within the next two days I have to read and take notes on 75 pages from my art history textbook, write an essay comparing two articles on New York City, and solve a mountain of college algebra problems. Depending on how late I can make myself stay up, there are four or five hours at least of work ahead.

 But I open the door to my bedroom and am instantly calmed. My bed is made the way I like it, not one wrinkle in my top sheet or pillows. My 5 elephants - ranging from clay to pillows - are spread across the room. My empty desk is ready. I breathe in the sense of order. My thoughts are now in order, and I can complete my homework.

My bedroom is more than a place of productiveness, it’s me. The pictures on the wall display the people I care about the most: my mom, dad, grandma, 2 sisters, brother, cousin, boyfriend, and best friend. Most important is the comforting prayer on the wall, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” The arrangement of my books show which ones I have read including The Great Gatsby and The Glass Castle, and which ones I have yet to read such as Water for Elephants and If I Stay. The modern sheets, curtains, and mirrors display my sophisticated taste in furniture, but also how I present myself.

My bedroom is the place where I am able to catch up with my friends via phone call. My dearest friends live far away, and sometimes all I need is to hear their voices to take a step back and really see what matters in life. My room makes me happy. It fills me with comfort.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, love this! The elephant images are clear in my mind.

    One suggestion: Perhaps a sentence or two of context, explain what this piece really is.

    Otherwise, fantastic!

    Hope you summited the math mountain...
